Monday, January 21, 2008

Re-Gifting: The Spirit that Just Keeps Giving

Not much has been written but so much has been said about the art of “re-gifting.” And yes, I said “art.”

Wikipedia says "regifting" is the act of taking a gift that has been received and giving it to somebody else, sometimes in the guise of a new gift. One example of a formalization of this activity is the white elephant gift exchanges, in which items can be regifted from year to year.

Yes, regifting has reached the practicing lexicon—Jerry Seinfield has been credited for coining the term “regifting” in the episode entitled “The Label Maker,” where Dr. Whatley gives a label-maker that Elaine had given him, back to Jerry. Voila! A new term is born.

I’ve been the recipient of “pass-along” gifts, and the giver of “pass-along” gifts long before Seinfield. I’ve given and received the proverbial fruit-cake many times over. And that’s what the art of “regifting” is all about…

My sister gave me the coolest gift ever—a coral-colored faux ‘gater handbag just big enough for holding wallet, cell phone, glasses and keys. I LOVED it! It was an indulgence—it screamed my name! It’s something I would never have bought for myself. It was a totally luxury item. (Besides, if I got the purse I would have had to find the matching shoes.) It was my taste, not hers. She’d received it from a friend. When she regifted it to me, she gave me the best present ever. And that’s what regifting is about.

A white elephant gift implies that it’s something that no one wants. The art of regifting is knowing the best person who’ll appreciate and cherish that gift. There is a distinct reason for passing that gift along.

A word of caution: don’t regift just for the “holiday.” For example, if you need to get a birthday gift for your best friend, Holly, you can’t just pass on a candle that someone has given you. There has to be a reason. If Holly collects purple items, and her favorite scent is lavender—by all means, pass-along—regift--that lavender-scented candle! Holly will love you for it. Just don’t pass along that punk-art painting someone had found in the close out bin outside the electronics section at WalMart.

The art of regifting begins with a reason why.

For gifts you wouldn't consider regifting, get a one-of-a-kind, custom-created unique gift basket from Cachet Baskets.

The Art of Kissing: A Unique, Romantic Gift Idea

I walked in the door and was met with a kiss. Not just any kiss, but an “I’ve missed you kiss.” An “I can’t wait to see you” kiss, and his lips proved it.

We stood in a long embrace and kissed until my head-spins matched the world’s spin once again. His kisses were captivating, certainly nothing you can learn from a book…or can you?

It reminded me of a book I’d read a few years back, The Art of Kissing by William Cane. A former lover had given it to me with an inscription on the inside cover:

“Her kisses left something to be desired...the rest of her.” ~Author Unknown

It remains one of my favorite romantic gifts ever.
There is no better way to woo your lover this year than to let him or her know how much you love their kisses. Add some chocolate covered cherry lip gloss, a kiss-me lip magnet, and coupon book full of interesting make-out ideas and you’ve got a unique romantic gift basket that will keep the kisses coming all year.

And now I’m off to get another kiss… I’m pretty sure he hasn’t read The Art of Kissing, but he sure could have written it.

A Romantic Gift: Beth’s Love Potion #9

Smell is the most heightened sense we have when it comes to love and romance. Fragrance triggers memories (or creates memories on the spot). This do-it-yourself love potion uses cocktail-cupboard staples as a base for creating your own designer fragrance. Start combining and let your nose be the judge.

1) Pour ½ pint Everclear or Vodka into a jar

2) Add 3 drops of sandalwood essential/fragrance oil

3) Add 2 drops vanilla essential/fragrance oil

4) Add 3 drops cedarwood essential/fragrance oil

5) Add 15 drops bergamot essential/fragrance oil

6) Cover

7) Shake well

8) Imagine the lover you’d like to attract into your life

9) Let your potion set and simmer for a week

Use fragrance liberally—especially when you seek love, romance, and companionship. This romantic love potion is great for splashing behind the ears and on wrists, sprinkling on pillows or light bulbs, spraying in your car, or sitting in your lingerie drawer.

Don’t let the everclear or vodka fool you. Even though you’re tempted to sip, sniff only…and often…and enjoy the effects of your Love Potion #9.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Holidays and Dates to Remember

Celebrate all year!

Here are some special holidays and dates to remember for 1st quarter--January, February, and March--08. How much would a loved one enjoy receiving a unique gift basket from you on one of these special occasions?


* Inauguration Day, January 20th every four years, starting in 1937.


* Groundhog Day, February 2.
* Lincoln's Birthday, February 12.
* Valentine's Day, February 14.
* Presidents Day, February 18.
* Washington's Birthday, February 22.
* Flag Day, February 24.


* Palm Sunday, March 16.
* St. Patrick's Day, March 17.
* First Day of Spring, March 20.
* Good Friday, March 21.
* Easter, March 23.

Monday, January 14, 2008

A Heartfelt "Thank You!"

I love getting the “thank you” phone call that always comes after I’ve sent a Cachet Baskets gift basket. It starts with squeals of delight and if the timing is right I’m there to share the journey of discovery with the recipient on the phone.

Cachet stands for a mark of distinction, individuality, or authenticity. The gourmet gift baskets that owner Beth Alexander creates, are works of arts in themselves. All items are hand-selected with a theme and personal preference in mind. Most of the items are hand-crafted by local artisans filled with organic food products.

Whether it’s a special romantic gift, wedding gift, baby shower gift, or birthday gift you desire, Beth will put care and flair into the items she picks for your celebration.

When you want to give a thank you gift as well as receive that thank you phone call, call Cachet Baskets first.