Monday, January 21, 2008

A Romantic Gift: Beth’s Love Potion #9

Smell is the most heightened sense we have when it comes to love and romance. Fragrance triggers memories (or creates memories on the spot). This do-it-yourself love potion uses cocktail-cupboard staples as a base for creating your own designer fragrance. Start combining and let your nose be the judge.

1) Pour ½ pint Everclear or Vodka into a jar

2) Add 3 drops of sandalwood essential/fragrance oil

3) Add 2 drops vanilla essential/fragrance oil

4) Add 3 drops cedarwood essential/fragrance oil

5) Add 15 drops bergamot essential/fragrance oil

6) Cover

7) Shake well

8) Imagine the lover you’d like to attract into your life

9) Let your potion set and simmer for a week

Use fragrance liberally—especially when you seek love, romance, and companionship. This romantic love potion is great for splashing behind the ears and on wrists, sprinkling on pillows or light bulbs, spraying in your car, or sitting in your lingerie drawer.

Don’t let the everclear or vodka fool you. Even though you’re tempted to sip, sniff only…and often…and enjoy the effects of your Love Potion #9.

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